Lots of breakdowns!!!
IWe've been having lots of breakdowns and tire issues and Peewee went to the hospital for two days... Started on an aggravating job with little gullies and deep sand erosion and places with skattered junk in them... peewee had to go to the hospital because of some chest pain and they kept him for a couple days so Steveyy been on buncher and he's doing ok!!!! Sycamore fuzz is clogging up people and heat exchangers... what a battle that little stuff can be... nasty!!! Gonna start raining this weekend and the big champion tater/billows saw off is prolly gonna go down Monday live via youtubes!!! Come one come all and be ready for a little shenanigans!!!! Later peeps!!!
Hills ain't that bad just a little aggravating roping. And skidding out everything...
Son of a buck get stopped up tighter than a toads butt!!! Then on comes the heat
This is what the aggravating sycamore fuzz looks like
Tranny project for blackey
Pallet stock deck project